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> cruciferous vegetable

> rich in vitamin C – supports immune function and skin health.

> high amounts of vitamin K1 - important for blood clotting and bone health.

> folate (vitamin B9) - normal tissue growth and cell function (especially if pregnant).

> potassium supports BP and heart disease prevention.

> sulforaphane supports blood sugar and osteoarthritis.

> contains lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta carotene, which supports eye health and decreases risk of age-related macular degeneration,

> contains kaempferol - may protect against heart disease, cancer, inflammation, and allergies.

> contains quercetin – antioxidant - lowers BP in people with high levels.

> raw broccoli contains goitrogens, which may impair thyroid function (in large quantities).



!! consult GP if taking blood thinners, before increasing their broccoli intake (high vitamin K1) !!

!! may give you gas and upset your bowels => caution re IBS !!

!! phosphorus can start to build up in blood if you have kidney problems !!

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