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> crystalline form of cholesterol and calcium > vary in size from a grain of salt to nearly the size of a golf ball. > sign of incomplete liver detoxification > limit the development of gallstones with an anti-inflammatory diet and liver support. > gallbladder is a reservoir for bile produced by the liver - the extra bile storage allows the body to effectively metabolise fat-rich foods such as steak and eggs. > if the gallbladder doesn’t effectively get the signal to squeeze out bile => probs occur - known as stasis =>bile sits in the gallbladder/moves slowly. > if the gallbladder is filled with thick bile (more cholesterol and less phospholipids and bile salts) => crystal-like compounds (gallstones) develop.

10 Major Causes of Gallstones: 1. Blood Sugar Imbalances: => stress and inflammation in the liver and increased production of cholesterol which concentrates in the bile. 2. Oestrogen Dominance: => increased cholesterol. who have used birth control pills, HRT or have an IUD are at a higher risk for gallstone formation. 3. Food Allergies & Sensitivities=> stress response=> liver works harder & dehydration. 4. Chronic Stress reduces digestive juices, dehydrates & key electrolytes used at higher rate. 5. Low Fibre Diet: Fibre is critical for the elimination of cholesterol and oestrogenic molecules, it helps to feed good bacteria that enhance detoxification processes. 6. Low Stomach Acid Production: Stomach acid sterilizes the gut, metabolize proteins and stimulates digestive juice (including bile) production in liver and its release from gallbladder. 7. Obesity: => produce more cholesterol. 8. Low Fat Diets: for a long time reduces the overall secretions of bile, which can cause the bile to become stagnant. 9. Cholesterol Lowering Meds: increase the amount of cholesterol bound into the bile. 10. Leaky Gut Syndrome: damaged intestinal lining => reduced CCK/ secretin levels => inhibits gallbladder contraction => biliary stasis.

10 Tips To Help Reduce GallStones 1. Lemon Water - drink 12oz water with lemon (1 tbsp / 8oz) each morning. 2. Fix the Gut - see nutritional therapist 3. Super Hydrate 4. Fresh Vegetable Juices - kale, spinach, parsley, cilantro, watercress, bok choy, beets, carrots, mustard greens, cucumbers, celery, etc. is advised - phytonutrients will help to cleanse the liver and gallbladder - DNA recommends 16oz daily. No more than 4oz of it should be with beets and carrots. 5. Practice Intermittent Fasting: Take stress off your digestive system by doing a water/green juice fast for 16hrs each day. Consume only 2 meals and make one of those a smoothie (with oats/seeds/nuts/green veg). 6. Anti-Inflammatory Herbs: ginger, turmeric, oregano, garlic, basil, thyme, peppermint, etc. 7. Fermented Foods: therapeutic for liver & gallbladder- include kimchi, sauerkraut, coconut milk kefir, apple cider vinegar, natural pickles, coconut yogurt and coconut water kefir. 8. Use Healthy Fibre Sources: fibre binds to toxins and feeds microbiota – get > 30g daily (non-starchy veg; chia, flax, pumpkin and hemp seeds; nuts (2oz); fermented vegetables. 10. Use a Good Liver Detoxifying Supplement - see nutritional therapist.

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