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Green Smoothie (for blood-glucose balance)

250ml  unsweetened almond or coconut milk

1 tbsp ground flaxseed      

1 tsp maca powder (optional)

pinch ground cinnamon    

1 medjool date , stoned

1 small ripe banana           

handful  spinach or kale

1 tbsp almond butter



Pour milk into a blender, then add the ground flaxseed, maca powder and cinnamon.

Add the remaining ingredients then blitz until smooth.

Pour into glasses and serve immediately.


If you do make it the night before you might notice that the flavours change slightly.

A squeeze of lemon juice will help prevent oxidation and stop it going brown.

Always store in a sealed jar in the fridge to preserve the nutrients as much as possible.

Prepare the fruit and veg in advance and freeze immediately in portion-sized bags. In the morning tip the frozen ingredients into the blender with your liquid and whizz.

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