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Post-Surgical Nutrition Advice

The aim is to eat easily digestible nutrient dense foods like soups and stews (see Recipes) which decrease inflammation and enhance immune function and wound healing.

Also try to include:

1. Leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, mustard greens, and chard.

2. Eggs: excellent source of absorbable protein, contain vits A & B12, zinc, iron, & selenium.

3. Salmon contains protein, B vitamins, selenium, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fats. 

4. Berries are full of nutrients and plant compounds that aid recovery.

5. Nuts and seeds provide plant-based protein, healthy fats, and are a good source of zinc, vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium. 

6. Chicken and turkey contain glutamine (cellular protection), and arginine (collagen production and wound healing).

7. Cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale) contain glucosinolates as well as vitamin C and B vitamins.

9. Shellfish have lots of zinc which is crucial for healthy immune function.

10. Sweet potatoes provide energy and enzymes which aid repair. They are anti-inflammatory and contain vitamin C, carotenoids, and manganese.


Therapeutic herbs 

1/ Arnica is anti-inflammatory and pain relieving. It stimulates circulation to the injured area, re-absorbing internal bleeding and reducing swelling. It is most commonly applied topically. It was used extensively in medical care during World War I and World War II. 

2/ St John's Wort’s analgesic & anti-inflammatory actions make it excellent to accelerate healing and it is specific for regenerating nerve tissue. Do not take if on SSRI medication!


Other ways to help your body heal

1/ Rest is essential as, getting enough sleep bolsters your body’s repair process. 

2/ Hydration is also important for every aspect of healing and recovery.

3/ Steer clear of cigarettes and alcohol when recuperating from injury. Smoking and drinking can delay recovery, impair wound healing, and suppress your immune system.


Naturopathic Supplement Advice includes:

  1. zinc 

  2. vitamin B12

  3. vitamin A 

  4. vitamin C 

  5. UltraClear® Plus pH nutritional powder (vanilla) by Nutri Advanced is my personal recommendation. This nutritional powder combines rice protein with a nutrient blend to support energy production and liver health.

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