Naturopathic support options include:
1/ SELENIUM - even after the removal of the thyroid gland and
replacement of T4 (thyroid hormone) with levothyroxine, selenium is
still required as a cofactor for the conversion to T3 (active thyroid hormone).
Selenium deficiency is implicated in autoimmune thyroid conditions.
2/ VITAMIN C has been shown to improve absorption of levothyroxine when taken at the same time. Supplementation therefore may enable a decreased dose of levothyroxine (see your GP).
3/ CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D - levothyroxine has been shown to reduce bone mineral density, especially in post-menopausal women. Calcium supplements should be taken away from levothyroxine so as not to interfere with absorption.
Naturopathic Dietary Advice
Try to include the following foods in your weekly diet:
- Salmon, mackerel, sardines, sea vegetables, shellfish.
- Lentils, butter beans, Brazil nuts, pumpkin and chai seeds.
- Rainbow of vegetables including spinach, kale, mushrooms.
- Chicken, eggs, avocados, bananas.
- Cinnamon, ginger, turmeric and garlic.
- Sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha (probiotic foods).
Note that high goitrogen intake (raw broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, turnips, collard greens and Brussel sprouts) reduces iodine uptake and thyroid enzyme activity. However, it is important to keep brassicas in your diet – I’d advise to pre-soak or cook (reduces goitrogens) and limit to 1 portion/day.
Supplementation advice (depending on diet) may include:
1/ Zinc
2/ Selenium
3/ Iron
4/ Iodine
6/ Vitamin D
7/ Ashwagandha
8/ Thyroid glandulars (porcine or bovine-sourced thyroid concentrate, use a ‘clean’ source)