updated by Rachel Bartholomew (Nutri Advanced)
1. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is critical for immune health and maintaining optimal levels is vital for supporting the body’s ability to fight infection. A 2017 BMJ study found vitamin D effective for preventing colds and flu. Unlike most essential nutrients, you can’t rely on food to replenish stores. Its main source is sunshine; your skin produces vit D when it comes into contact with the sun’s UV rays.
2. Beta Glucans
Less well known, yet incredibly effective immune saviours at this time of year are naturally-occurring polysaccharides known as beta glucans. They are found in bacteria and fungi and are used to make cell walls and store energy. What’s particularly interesting about beta glucans is their incredible, natural ability to modulate immune function.
3. Zinc
A severe zinc deficiency suppresses immune function, and even mild deficiency negatively impacts the immune system’s ability to deal with infection. The body doesn’t have much ability to store zinc so it’s crucial that your daily diet supplies plenty of this immune-supporting mineral. You’ll find high levels of zinc in meat, chickpeas & lentils, pumpkin and sesame seeds.
Several immune system functions rely on vitamin A and deficiency is known to impair the innate immune sys
tem (the ‘first line of defence’ part). Vitamin A also regulates some genes involved in immune function. Vitamin A is found in the diet as beta-carotene (found in red, yellow and orange plant foods) and retinol (or ‘active vitamin A’ - found in high fat animal foods such as eggs, butter, liver and full fat dairy products).
5. Vitamin ‘R’ (rest and relaxation!)
A lot has been talked and written about stress, and it’s no secret that chronic stress can have debilitating and widespread effects on your health. Unfortunately, the immune system doesn’t escape from the deleterious effects of stress either. Stress raises cortisol which over time can increase inflammation. Stress also decreases white blood cells leaving you more vulnerable to infections such as the common cold and flu viruses.